The properties of the synthesized pouring sealant were tested. 测试了材料各项性能。
By adding a room-temperature curing agent with low viscosity and the nitrile rubber with good heat resistance the pouring sealant with low viscosity and improved heat resistance was prepared. 在配方中采用了低黏度的室温固化剂和耐热性能良好的丁腈橡胶,降低了体系的黏度,改善了环氧树脂灌封胶的耐热性能。
Pouring sealant used with the chemical, thermal and mechanical stability of such areas. 采用的浇封剂具有化学、热工和机械等方面的稳定性。
Epoxy pouring sealant for high-voltage focusing potentiometer 高压聚焦电位器环氧灌封胶
Prediction of Properties and Optimization of Formula for Epoxy Pouring Sealant 环氧树脂灌封胶的性能预测及配方优化
Study on New Anti-crack Electric Transmission Device Pouring Sealant 新型抗开裂输电装置灌注胶的研制
Study on property of solar cell epoxy resin pouring sealant 太阳能电池灌封胶性能的研究
Preparation and application of heat resistant epoxy pouring sealant 耐热环氧灌注胶的研制及应用
In this paper, preparation of polyurethane ( PU) pouring sealant for communication cable by one step synthesis, some effect factors and properties were described and compared with that of the same products made in China and abroad. 介绍一步法制备通信电缆灌封胶的方法,其影响因素及制品的性能,并且与国内外同类产品性能进行了对比。
Polyurethane pouring sealant for communication cable prepared by one step synthesis 一步法制备聚氨酯通信电缆灌封胶
Polyurethane ( PU) pouring sealant was synthesized with polymer H and modified isocyanate K as basic materials. 选用聚合物H和改性异氰酸酯K为主要原料合成聚氨酯灌封胶。
Study on the flame-retardation of the epoxy resin pouring sealant for electrical device 环氧树脂电器灌封胶的阻燃化研究
The results showed the pouring sealant had superior water resistance, corrosion resistance and electrical property, being suitable to be used as the joint pouring sealant for cable and the pouring sealant for electronics industry. 结果表明,该材料具有优良的耐水性、耐腐蚀性和电性能,非常适合电信电缆接头灌封和电子行业的灌封。
West Sichuan-type micro-crystal muscovite is a new kind of muscovite minerals, the preparation of insulating pouring sealant with micro-crystal muscovite which has good insulation properties has good application prospects. 川西微晶白云母是白云母类矿物的一个新品种,绝缘性能较好,利用其配制绝缘灌注胶具有较好的应用前景。